Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

You have all the traits of a creative writer. But you must be careful because you have a tendency to lean into bitterness and resentment. Always take things slow and never compare yourself to anyone else.

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Ah, yes. One of Peterson’s 12 Rules.

‘The only person it is fair to compare yourself to is YOU, Yesterday!’

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

Yes that's a good rule to have in the back of your mind but when it comes down to it just having that rule isn't good enough, in my opinion. Your scores and mine are similar that's where Im pulling this information from. Your sensitivity to negative emotion and your medium level conscientiousness with high openness is the mix that creates an autonomous entity that auto-compares you to others because of your openness.

You seem to know Peterson well then you'll know that external motivation runs out but purpose stays. Having that rule is external motivation, your purpose needs to match the rule along with your aim-unified together will be your orientation and your orientation is your pathway forward.

I have a problem personally with comparison, bitterness and becoming overwhelmed and giving up on my creative endeavor. I'm not here to spit Petersonian rhetoric, I'm here to let you know that I relate and I know the pain associated with such creative traits.

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

You can't be an artist without having some sort of anxiety 😢

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I’m convinced that is true…

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

It is true! Also try the Myers Briggs test as well

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The ISTP 16 Personalities test.

I did that once and got ‘Virtuoso’ but that was awhile ago so I may revisit it. From what I remember, my results on it was like reading a biography of my entire life. Eerily accurate.

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

Ohh you are ISTP? Nice! I'm INFP and yes it is scarily accurate

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Had to look that up. A 'Meditator'. I'm deffo gonna do it again. I conflated my result (ISTP) with the name of the test. Been that long...

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

Go go take the test!

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Aug 21Liked by The Common Centrist

I'm honored to have read your posts. I am intrigued to listening more to what thought you have in music or just rantings. However, when it comes to whatever personality tests you take it is bogus. You are you at the moment and to confine yourself to the markings of ignorant norms of people will stagnate your growth.

I want to hear the bloody screams of your reasoning bc that's what you see. I want to feel the agonizing pith that probes your mind. I also want to hear the subtle changes in your words that lends a helpful hand. Jordan Peterson is not whom I want to listen to. It is you. Be you and only you. And allow yourself to change you for you. Please?

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Thanks for this. You will hear 'just me' and a lot of it on my page. There are plenty of bloody screams coming up soon. Lots of music and musings. But also anything else that interests me.

Part of who I am is an interest in this sort of philosophy of mind and human psychology content and I felt compelled to make these essays.

I'm sorry if this particular approach is not to you're interest, but it is something I found fun and interesting so I went with it and wrote a 5 part essay that will conclude this weekend.. My normal upload schedule of Music and commentary essays resumes next week. I hope you enjoy those more.

Thank you for taking the time to read it though. It means a lot and I appreciate it. Take care and thanks again

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I read this with great interest, C.C. , and I commend you for putting yourself out there on the chart. I think, since all human being have a very strong survival instinct, that must also include a high anxiety component. However, we know that people deal with that in very different ways. I think that there should be anotheer component in the Big Five that would make it the Big Six, and that's Empathy.

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Thanks for commenting... I must admit I have always wondered 'why those five and only those five'? I'm not a psychologist so I don't really understand what the criteria is for making the list. Maybe they just wanted to keep it down to five because it sounds good.

Things like 'Altruism' are covered in some of the later essays so their is some representation for empathy covered in the test...

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

This is really interesting, I love this kind of stuff. Really informative article. Looking forward to part 2.

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Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it. I love this deep, personality trait stuff too.

I nearly didn’t publish this because I thought it was too self-referential and that nobody would be interested in reading a piece where I talk about myself.

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Aug 20Liked by The Common Centrist

I understand what you mean about not publishing, I feel this way at times but I found your article informative and useful. It’s inspiring.

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Aww. You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you

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I thought 94 was the highest people could conceivably get--congrats (and my condolences) on beating my neuroticism score :P

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HAHAHA. I'm so proud. My crowning achievement...

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