"What you told your daughter... now she is far away"... Apologies if I am not quoting verbatim, but the lyrics of Parasite are so thought provoking and charged with feeling and depth! Thank you for sharing and here is wishing you all the best for your next steps. May all good things come your way!

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Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I echo all of your kind wishes back to you. Thank you...

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Sep 19Liked by The Common Centrist

Well done.

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Why, thank you

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Sep 18Liked by The Common Centrist

I have a very similar experience! Graduated in May with a creative writing major and philosophy minor. After months of learning critical theory, I wrote my final thesis "Beyond Victimhood: Gloria Anzaldua, James Baldwin, and the Rejection of Protest Literature," which was, essentially a critique of the "woke." I also had professors say my grade wouldn't be affected by being honest, but found it hard to believe, so I often, like you did, snuck in small lines of truth. My professors wanted me to do an MFA, but academia and publishing as so messed up right now, I just can't pay to lock myself somewhere that I can't be honest.

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Thank you for this. I can't tell you how much this resonates with me. I was also being pushed to do a Master's but I had reached the end of my wits with the ideological capture in academia. Which is a shame as I do feel like my calling lies in there somewhere. My outlook changed when I read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's essay 'Live Not By Lies' which I recently wrote a 4 part substack series detailing why it means so much to me and is so important in the current social climate.

I hope you find your way to a place where you can use your skills, education and passion in the world of ideas. Somewhere where epistemic rigour and freedom of expression are still valued. I know I am looking for such a place.

Take care my friend

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